The gambler's fallacy

Tivadar Danka small portrait Tivadar Danka
The gambler's fallacy

Understanding math will make you a better engineer.

So, I am writing the best and most comprehensive book about it.

Our intuition about probability is horrible, and it can easily lead us to financial ruin.

Gamblers on a losing streak tend to keep on playing, as they perceive that their bad luck should increase the chance of winning.

Here is why this is wrong.

Let's play a simple game!

The dealer tosses a fair coin. If it comes up tails, you win $1 \$ 1 . Heads, you lose $1 \$ 1 .

Suppose that you lost ten times in a row. Does it make winning the next round more likely?

Heads or tails?

Without any extra information, the probability of eleven heads in a row is tiny.

Probability of 11 heads in a row

However, this was not our case. The original question was to find the probability of the eleventh toss, given the result of the previous ten.

In statistics, we study events in the context of other events. This is captured by conditional probabilities, answering a simple question: "what is the probability of BB if we know that AA has occurred?". (If you are not familiar with conditional probabilities, check out my recent post explaining it in detail!)

Conditional probability

In fact, none of the previous results influence the current toss. I could have tossed the coin thousands of times and it all could have come up heads. None of that matters.

Coin tosses don't remember each other. So, we still have 50%50\% that the 1111-th toss comes up heads.

Independence of the coin tosses

The notion of independence formalizes this concept. By definition, AA and BB are independent if observing AA doesn't change the probability of BB.

Independence of A and B

Despite this, people often perceive that certain past events influence the future. This is not the case in gambling.

If I lose 100100 hands of Blackjack in a row, it doesn't mean that I ought to be lucky soon. Hence, this phenomenon is called the gambler's fallacy.

You can test this for yourself with Python. I simulated a thousand independent coin tosses and highlighted where I got ten heads in a row.

Simulation of a thousand coin tosses

In practice, we use runs of matching outcomes to determine if a sequence is truly random. The lack of "streaks" indicates a lack of randomness. This is the so-called Wald–Wolfowitz runs test.

Having a deep understanding of math will make you a better engineer.

I want to help you with this, so I am writing a comprehensive book that takes you from high school math to the advanced stuff.
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