It's great to have you here!
As long as I can remember, I have been stunned by mathematics. Unfortunately, it wasn’t always because of its beauty: I struggled with it during my early years. (My elementary school math teacher still can’t believe that I managed to obtain a PhD from it.)
I am convinced that math is taught wrong. Its usefulness and beauty are hidden behind convoluted formulas, technical nuances, and abstract nonsense. Throughout the years, it has enhanced my professional and personal life in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I want to get you the same results.
The journey started in high school. I was a below-average student, at least my academic performance was poor. Yet, I was extremely curious. “The laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics” (as Galileo Galilei put it). Thus my deep desire to understand how the world works led me to study math.
Fast forward ten years, and I already finished my PhD in mathematics. I was struggling in my early studies, but with an insane amount of work, I overcame the difficulties. Unfortunately, if you are not a mathematician, you can’t afford to spend twelve hours a day for years to comprehend the basic concepts and tools. This is where I come in: my mission is to unlock mathematics for you. So, you can focus on what’s important: building things and expanding humanity’s knowledge.
Early in my career, I started out as a researcher in computational biology and machine learning. Having a deep understanding of mathematical concepts enabled me to consume knowledge at the speed of light, giving me an advantage over my peers. Soon, my friends were asking me to help them do the same. This is how I found my love for teaching.
To scale up my efforts, I started to publish educational articles. I quickly realized that teaching is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Currently, I am working on a book that’ll serve as the ultimate guide to the math and theory behind machine learning.
~ Tivadar
Listen to Practical AI's interview with me about one of my books!